The bine is comprised by cerebral cortex, xylem and fungous marrow.
互联网Functions of central motor structures including cerebellum, basal ganglia, and cerebral cortex considered.
运动中枢结构的功能包括小脑 、 基底神经节和大脑皮层.
互联网Relative cerebral cortex ofbrain white matter, also known as the medulla.
——期刊摘选They focused on the cerebral cortex, or gray matter, which is responsible for higher thinking.
——期刊摘选The cerebral cortex is the headquarters of human body.
——期刊摘选To investigate the improvement of experiment on cerebral cortex evoked potential in rat.
——期刊摘选The scent of onions and ginger have soothe thethe role of the cerebral cortex was inhibited.
互联网Objective : To observe the microcirculation within the cerebral cortex of normal state Rabbit.
目的: 活体状态下观察家兔大脑皮质内微循环.
互联网And the reason of produce of mental fatigue is the negative sentiment of Cerebral cortex inhibition.
互联网Objective To establish the culture system of conditionalization for the astrocytes of cerebral cortex in vitro.
互联网The contents of SOM in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex were increased in the experimental group.
互联网Concussion: Period of nervous - function impairment mild Brain injury, often with no Bleeding in the cerebral cortex.
脑震荡: 脑损伤所致的短暂的神经功能麻痹, 不一定伴有脑出血、脑挫伤或裂伤.
互联网The changes of group in mGluRs in the cerebral cortex of rats with DBI and SBI.
但可降低DBI合并SBI后的脑组织含水量,减少皮层损伤神经元数o< o.05.
互联网In group B, the mode of connection between omentum and cerebral cortex was studied.
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